Thu, 04 Jul
Join Lisa Moore, Divine Power Healer & Activator, to uncover the EXACT subconscious limiting beliefs keeping you blocked, stuck & out of alignment with your Soul's Truth. Unlock your Divine Power to create everything your Soul desires – your dream life, business & soul-aligned impact.

Time & Location
04 Jul 2024, 19:00 – 21:00
Fire+Alchemy, 52 Great Eastern St, London EC2A 3EP
About the event
Are you ready to break free from deeply-hidden subconscious limiting beliefs, fear & self-doubt, and fully OWN your Divine Power to create everything your Soul desires?
Do you desire to stop hiding and playing small, and instead step into your Divine Power to make the BIG soul-aligned impact you know you came here to make?
Do you feel an inner calling to transform your life, shine your light BRIGHT and help lead the way to a new world of unconditional love, unity, freedom, abundance & joy for all?
If any of these sound familiar, then you’re bang on Divine Time and this workshop is for you! 💥
Join Lisa on an epic journey of self-discovery where you'll uncover the EXACT subconscious limiting beliefs keeping you blocked, stuck & out of alignment with your Soul's Truth & Divine Power.
Activating your Divine Power to create a fulfilling life you LOVE on your own terms, shining your light bright in freedom, abundance & joy. As you lead by example to raise collective consciousness and help birth a new world together ⚡️👑⚡️
- Discovering the four types of subconscious limiting beliefs
- Learning how to identify your subconscious limiting beliefs using muscle testing
- Pinpointing the EXACT deepest subconscious limiting beliefs stopping you from activating your Soul's Truth & Divine Power
- Journaling to identify the key themes currently blocking your Divine Power
- Circle to share what you’ve discovered and how it’s impacted your life to foster understanding, new perspectives & healing within the group
- Discovering options for how to heal the subconscious limiting beliefs you’ve identified going forward
- A safe, loving & supportive environment to explore your inner self through gentle, grounded shadow work
- A QUANTUM LEAP in your healing journey - with newfound clarity on the deepest blocks to shift for the biggest transformation
- Time, money & energy saved - by diving to the very ROOT of your limiting beliefs, instead of slowly peeling them back one layer at a time
- Feeling freer, lighter & brighter - understanding and awareness of what the true issue is with the tools & knowledge to heal it
- Deep passion & drive - to once and for all heal what’s been holding you back from fully OWNING your Soul's Truth & Divine Power
- A sense of control in your life - knowing you have the awareness to heal, rise & create everything your Soul desires!
- Water - you’ll need this for accurate muscle testing
- Your favourite journal & pen
- Optional: A pendulum if you’re comfortable working with one
This workshop is best suited for those who are already on their healing journey, but who haven’t experienced the results & deep transformation they desire & know are possible for them. This is not your ‘average’ limiting beliefs workshop, so be ready to go DEEP with Lisa to unlock what’s been holding you back in the shadows!
Lisa is a Divine Power Activator and certified Theta Healer® on a mission to help you break free from your subconscious limitations so you can shine your light bright and be the badass light leader you came here to be.
With her vast experience in identifying & healing over 3000 subconscious limitations, Lisa's superpower is bringing to light the deepest, collectively-held subconscious limiting beliefs, programmes & misunderstandings which keep you trapped, small & hiding in fear, lack & limitation.
Through her powerful Healing Activations, Lisa guides you to reprogram your subconscious mind and energy from fear, separation & judgement to fully OWNING your Soul's Truth & Divine Power. Creating a life you LOVE of freedom, abundance & joy on your own terms, while making the soul-aligned impact you came here to make.
Lisa's work not only catalyses powerful transformation in your life but within the collective consciousness too. As we heal, rise & co-create a new world together.
- Please note that our classes take place in our Alchemy studio downstairs. Unfortunately, we are not able to offer wheelchair access at this time.
- Please arrive 10 minutes early. Unfortunately, we are unable to admit those who arrive after the start time.
- Please purchase mindfully as we do not offer refunds or class credits. However, if you can no longer attend and wish to gift your ticket to a loved one, we honour name changes on tickets - please just email us with the name of the new attendee in advance of the event.